Monday 2 July 2007


(15, 128 mins)


Bruce Willis, Justin Long, Timothy Olyphant, Maggie Q, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kevin Smith.

Director: Len Wiseman.


It takes a 52-year-old, shaven-headed action man with an attitude and a full arsenal of one-liners to whip the summer blockbuster season into shape.

John McClane is back, almost 20 years since his first gung-ho escapade in a besieged Los Angeles high-rise building.

With explosions and outrageous action set pieces aplenty, plus gentle humour and bruising fights, Die Hard 4.0 delivers everything we have come to expect.

McClane is once again fighting to protect a loved one: this time, it’s his sassy and estranged daughter Lucy (Winstead).

Needless to say, once nasty terrorists take her hostage, she is the first person to smack her lips with glee at the prospect of daddy dearest coming to her rescue.

Director Len Wiseman orchestrates the pyrotechnic-laden mayhem with aplomb while leading man Willis acknowledges his character’s age in the impressive stunt sequences.

McClane seems to grimace more as he fights the big guys and it takes him longer to get up from the hard knocks.

As chief villain, cyber-terrorist Thomas Gabriel (Olyphant), puts it: "John, you’re a Timex watch in a digital age."

When his warnings about shortfalls in national security go unheeded, Gabriel punishes the US government’s arrogance by orchestrating a ‘fire sale’, systematically shutting down the entire country’s infrastructure, including power, telecommunications and financial institutions.

Chaos descends and Gabriel and his sexy sidekick Mai Lihn (Q) take advantage of the mounting confusion by siphoning off millions of dollars.

Their plan hits an almighty snag when gun-toting rebel Detective John McClane (Willis) prevents Gabriel’s henchmen from killing hacker Matt Farrell (Long), who inadvertently wrote a piece of the code needed to engineer the ‘fire sale’.

"One little piece of code and the world falls apart," observes Matt.

"It’s virtual terrorism."

Together, McClane and his goofy passenger set out to thwart Gabriel’s plans, either by brute force or by stealth, with support from legendary hacker Warlock (Smith).

With his carefully laid plans collapsing around him, thanks to McClane, Gabriel retaliates by kidnapping the cop’s daughter.

"Do you have a plan?" asks Matt.

"Get Lucy, kill everybody else," responds McClane.

Yippee-ki-yay indeed.

Die Hard 4.0 is a ridiculous yet undeniably entertaining thrill-ride that elevates McClane’s penchant for destruction to dizzying heights.

He eliminates a chopper full of bad guys with an airborne police vehicle, causing Matt to gasp, "Jesus, you killed a helicopter with a car!"

"I was out of bullets," smirks McClane.

A showdown between a fighter plane and the bruised cop in an armoured 18-wheeler truck on a collapsing highway is deliciously implausible.

Like us, Matt can barely believe his eyes every time the blood-spattered detective snatches victory from the slavering jaws of defeat.

"Did you see that?" shrieks the hacker.

"See that?" grins McClane, "I did it!"

In the best tradition of buddy movies, bickering between Willis and Long sustains the film for more than two hours.

"I just want to stop for a second to catch my breath," gasps Matt as the pair gallops up a flight of stairs.

"I thought they had these things nowadays called gymnasiums," quips McClane dryly.

Long is an excellent comic foil and Olyphant doesn’t overplay his villain, while Maggie Q kicks and punches like a demon in her big fight scenes, culminating in superbly choreographed fisticuffs in a lift-shaft.

When Matt asks McClane, "Why are you doing this?" the only answer the cop can muster is, "Because there’s nobody else right now."
Thank goodness New York City’s finest hell-raiser hasn’t hung up his badge yet.
Rating: 7/10

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