Thursday 27 September 2007


Substantial natural resources meant Burma was once hailed as one of south-east Asia’s richest countries. But decades of stagnation and economic mis-management has left many people in rural areas living in poverty.Here are some facts about Burma.

:: Its full name is The Union of Myanmar, but many refer to the country by its former name of Burma.

:: It has a population of 52 million, but estimates suggest that around a quarter are living below the poverty line.

:: By area, Burma is the largest mainland south-east Asian country. It borders Bangladesh, China, Laos, Thailand and India.

:: More than two-thirds of Burma’s population are Bamar. Smaller ethnic groups include Shan (8.5%), Karen (6.2%) and Rakhine (4.5%)

:: Around 90% of Burmese are Buddhist, 4% are Christian and 4% Muslim.

:: GDP per head is estimated at 182 US dollars (£90). Inflation in 2006 was put at 54%.

:: Burma is the second largest producer of illicit opium in the world, after Afghanistan.

:: Burma has historic links to the UK. In 1886 it was made a province of India with its capital at Rangoon.

:: The nation gained independence from Britain on January 4, 1948. It did not join the British Commonwealth.

:: The Government describes its relations with the current military rulers of Burma as “poor”. It does, however, have diplomatic ties with Burma, with a staffed embassy in Rangoon.

:: The UK “discourages trade, investment and tourism with Burma”, according to the Foreign Office website.

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