Tuesday 2 October 2007

Diana's death

Here is a timeline of the events on the night Diana, Princess of Wales, died as outlined to the jury at her inquest

August 30, 1997

3.20pm: Diana and Dodi fly in to Le Bourget airport in Paris from Olbia in Sardinia. They are accompanied on the flight by bodyguards Trevor Rees, Kieran Wingfield, Dodi's butler Rene Delorm, “holistic healer” Myriah Daniels and Deborah Gribble, the chief stewardess on Mohamed al Fayed’s yacht the Jonikal.

:: Photographers are waiting for them at the airport. It is thought they have been tipped off in Sardinia.

:: The couple are driven to Villa Windsor - Mr al Fayed’s home on the outskirts of Paris where the former Edward VIII and Wallace Simpson once lived in exile as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor - by driver Philippe Dourneau.

Late afternoon: Henri Paul, who had already been to drop other members of the party off at Dodi’s apartment, arrives at Villa Windsor.

4.30pm: Philippe Dourneau drives Dodi, Diana and Trevor Rees to the Ritz Hotel. They are driven in via the rear entrance on Rue Cambon. Henri Paul follows in a Range Rover.

:: The couple go to the Imperial Suite at the Ritz.

:: Dodi later pays a visit to the Paris premises of Monte Carlo jeweller Alberto Repossi. Mohamed al Fayed claims the couple had commissioned a ring from Mr Repossi earlier that summer and he was due to pick it up in Paris that day.

7pm: The couple leave by the rear entrance and are driven by Philippe Dourneau to Dodi’s apartment on Rue Arsene Houssaye.

:: Henri Paul goes off duty. There are question marks over where he spent the next three hours.

9.30pm: The couple leave Dodi’s apartment, driven by Mr Dourneau. They are initially to go to Chez Benoit restaurant near the Ritz but the plan is abandoned and they go back to the hotel instead. It is thought this may have been because they were being tailed by paparazzi.

9.50pm: Couple arrive at the Ritz through the front entrance on place Vendome. They dine at the Imperial Suite.

August 3
10.20am: Diana and Dodi leave the hotel heading for the apartment again, this time driven by Henri Paul. They again exit through the Rue Cambon door despite the fact that their Mercedes and Range Rover were still waiting at the front, as were the photographers.

:: They enter the Pont de l’Alma tunnel on the way. The car hits the 13th pillar on the westbound carriageway at between 60 and 65mph.

0.26am Dr Frederic Mailliez, an off-duty doctor arrives. he is the first to administer treatment.

0.30am: Police officers Sebastien Dorzee and Lino Gagliardone are the first emergency services at the scene after their patrol car is flagged down.

0.32am: Fire service arrive.

0.42am: Ambulance arrives. Dr Jean-Marc Martino takes over the care of Diana.

0.50am: Senior police officer responsible for the sector arrives.

1am: Diana is removed from wreckage under Dr Martino’s supervision. She had been trapped in the right rear footwell.

:: Diana’s heart stops as she is removed from the car. She is incubated and resuscitated within 10 minutes.

1.18am: Princess is stabilised and placed in ambulance for a detailed examination and emergency treatment.

:: Henri Paul and Dodi Fayed are pronounced dead at the scene. Their bodies are taken to a mortuary at the Institut Medico-Legal.

1.41am: Diana judged sufficiently stable to be taken to the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, driven slowly to avoid causing additional damage.

:: To get there they must pass the smaller Hotel-Dieu hospital.

2am: Senior official Philippe Massoni - responsible for judicial and administrative police staff and the Paris Fire Brigade arrives. He is accompanied by Patrick Riou, French director of the Judicial Police and Martine Monteil, head of the Brigade Criminelle.

Public prosecutor Maud Coujard also attends to take charge of the police investigation.

2.06am: Ambulance finally arrives at the hospital. On the way it stops nearby for five minutes because Diana’s blood pressure drops and doctors fear her heart could stop again.

:: Care is transferred to Dr Bruno Riou and others at the hospital. She is given emergency treatment.

2.10am: Diana’s heart stops for the second time. She is given emergency treatment but to no avail.

4am: Diana pronounced dead.

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