Friday 31 July 2009

Hallmarks of Good Writing...By Vinaya Joseph

What does it take to write?
Almost nothing!
But what does it take to write good?
Clarity of thoughts.
When you scribble a few paragraphs or write a few lines in the solitude of your study...what you are trying to do is to convey your thoughts, translating them into words...pumping it with life...
When did I strart writing? It was long time ago...
Taking notes in the classes, lecture notes in college or recording incidents in my diary or on the wooden desk ...What are the hallmarks of good writing?
Avoidance of ambiguity, Brevity and Correctness (of usage and grammar)....ABCs of good writing...
English is not my mother tongue...malayalam is...but I think in English...
When you are writing, you also have to be mindful of the reader...
Comprehensibility is the key factor...
There are times when you are struggling to put thoughts into words...
Always write in a lucid language...order your thoughts in a methodical and logical sequence...
In order to survive and save itself from predators, a Chameleon changes its body colour...So it tends to adjust itself to the outside environment...Need to incorporate this Chameleon-like sensitivity to our writings as well...if you are writing for need to keep it simple and interesting to capture their attention.
What are the tools that a writer has...few commas, fullstops, exclamation marks...
You need to strike a tricky-balance...if readers are experts then you could take the freedom of using technical is not bad always...avoid non-technical long-unwinding explanations
Lean more towards simplicity when you cater to the laymen...
Unlike a speech, you do not get immediate always think of the response that it is going to illicit...modify your style and tone on the basis of it...Keep language simple that doesnot go over people's head.

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