Tuesday 3 September 2024

Schools of Jurisprudence

A myriad schools of thought arise,

Each one a lens,

A pair of eyes.

Natural Law stands tall and firm,

A beacon in the stormy term,

Believing in a higher might,

Where moral truths align with right.

Analytical Positivism reigns,

In logic's cold and clear domains,

It claims that law's a sovereign word,

Devoid of morals,

Quite unheard.

Historical tells of time's own flow,

How customs shape the law we know,

It binds the past with present ties,

In every rule,

Tradition lies.

Sociological shifts the gaze,

To life and law in social maze,

It molds the rules to serve the needs,

Of humankind in all its deeds.

The Realist school with sharp insight,

Declares the law is what courts write,

In judgment halls where power sways,

They craft the law in subtle ways.

Each school,

A path to justice’ door,

A way to see,

To ask for more,

In every theory,

Truth we find,

A mirror to the human mind.

So walk these halls with open heart,

In law and life,

They play their part,

For in the search,

The wisdom lies,

Where every school of thought applies.

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