Monday 12 February 2007

My Bleeding Heart

Today my heart is bleeding for you.......

It’s been three long-years since you left me to live life alone.
I miss your silent glances, which could thrill my soul ......Tears don't stop rolling When I see couples passing by
I miss your touch, which could brighten my dark days...... Tears don't stop rolling When I fail to hear your voice
I miss your naughty smile, which could break my silence into laughter....... Tears don't stop rolling When I fathom the unbreakable distance between us
I miss resting my head on your shoulders, Which left me in eternal bliss....... Tears don't stop rolling When I go to sleep without you besides me
I miss your generosity and warmth, your heart was brimming with love, which could bring cheer to the poor and downtrodden......Tears don't stop rolling When I see a beggar on the street

I miss your energy, enthusiasm and courage, which gave me succour and strength in my difficult times........ Tears don't stop rolling When I am sorrounded by dishonest people
I miss the intensity of your burning thoughts, Which fired my imagination...... Tears don't stop rolling When I am surrounded by character-less people
I miss your heavenly kisses, which made feel like a complete woman...... Tears don't stop rolling When the fact dawns on me that you will never be mine
I miss spending time with you, Which made life seem short and time fly by ........Tears don't stop rolling When everything appears to have come to a stand-still

I miss telling you the nitty-gritties of my profession, of what I have been through, which helps me lighten my burden of thoughts....Tears don't stop rolling When I think of the heavenly distance that separates us
I miss your patience and energy, which encouraged and gave me strength to transform and help other people...... Tears don't stop rolling When I am sorrounded by superficial people
I miss your loving letters, which made me reflect on life's little joy's and pleasures...... Tears don't stop rolling When I watch the postman giving letters to others and I don't get a mail with your name on it
I miss your thirst for knowledge, which inspired me to learn things for helping you .......Tears don't stop rolling When I am with people who are insensitive towards life and people
I miss your mock teasing and flirting with girls, which drive me nuts ........Tears don't stop falling When I see the same people pass by me again
I miss the mess which you purposely created, which use to drive me mad and bring the motherly instinct in me ......Tears don't stop falling When I see children doing so, they remind me so much of you
I miss your genuine love, which made me glow without any golden adornments Tears don't stop falling, When I see fake love and relationships breaking around me
I miss scolding you, which gave vent to my anger....... Tears don't stop rolling When I know you will never be able to respond to me anymore
I miss playing games with you, which gave me immense happiness and contentment......... Tears don't stop rolling When I realize I have to play Life's game singles
I miss your spirit and inexhaustible enthusiasm to deal with life, which made me overcome my submissive nature and sense of defeatism.....Tears don't stop rolling When I am spoken for my bold nature
I miss your dedication towards your family, which made me value my parents .........Tears don't stop rolling when I see youngsters ill-treating and mis-behaving with their parents
I miss your soulful renditions of Kishore Kumar, RD Burman and Jagjit Singh, which made me an avid music listener...... Tears don't stop rolling When I get to hear the same songs again
I miss your humble nature, which made me imbibe the spirit of tolerance....... Tears don't stop rolling When I am sorrounded by people with pride and arrogance
I miss snoring away to glory at the theatres, which made me the butt of your jokes .......Tears don't stop falling When I watch movies without you besides me
I miss cooking for you, which was once a monotonous and mechanical routine....... Tears don't stop rolling When I wake and don't find you besides me
I miss your philosophy of living the moment, which made me to think and worry less about the future........ Tears don't stop rolling When forgetting the past becomes difficult
I miss the pleasure of shopping with with you, your patience showed Tears don't stop falling When I visit the same malls again
I miss your creativity, when you could put a crossword puzzle, which would take me ages to complete......... Tears don't stop rolling When I see the empty crossword columns in the newspaper
I know, I can fill pages with your memories but won't as you wanted me to live in the present....Death is the ultimate truth..Some say soul never dies...Just hoping and searching to find you soon somewhere......alive in some form

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