Wednesday 7 March 2007

Mind and its Control-----Dads book

Well I am going to pen down a review of a small book, which I am going to read while I am in the process of blogging....It's about mind control.....Sometimes I think spiritualism is a mis-nomer....What does it mean to be spiritual in life...meaningless.....
But again that should not concern me at this point .........
Mind is restless.....It is chanchal( turbulent)...I just read that though it is difficult to control mind but it is possible. According to Lord Krishna it can be done by Abhayasa( practise) and Vairagya(dispassion).......Again what does dis-passion mean...the term does not seem to strike me...Does it mean having no feeling or being detached? What does it mean I am wondering? So that was the key learning from the first lesson.
So lets move on to the second chapter.....i have not yet read it...wait before that I forgot something interesting the book says to have a sportmans' attitude...I liked that bit.......even thousands of failures won't deter them, keep on playing........
Bondage is of the mind and freedom is also of the mind...controlling mind is like controlling wind...difficult.....Mind is like a cloth from laundry...,....depending on the kind of dye you dip it in, the cloth takes the first chapter over.................................
Lets begin the second chapter... it just says that it is must to renounce pleasure, which is different from being joyful.Even if we control our pursuit for pleasure but ther are always past incidents to cite to embarass us...........Budha said it is more difficult to conquer your own mind rather than winning over thousand troops......
The person who conquers his mind can conquer the world.....You will have lot of peace of mind...I think it has got more to do with having a feeling of being of physical and mental maladies.......If you don't have peace of mind you might go insane........

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