Friday 12 February 2010


Today's gathering, in which a wide spectrum of our political leadership is participating, affirms our deep faith in democracy.

The Election Commission has been a part of the journey of our Republic since its very inception. It has been working with great responsibility from election to election and contributing to taking the nation forward step by step, from one destination to another, from strength to strength and bringing stability to our democratic system. We can be justifiably proud that free and fair elections have been held with regularity in our country in the last six decades. India and democracy have become intertwined concepts and it is hard to imagine one without the other. Democracy, the very essence of our Constitution, has become our nation's identity.

Framed by men and women of remarkable intelligence, foresight and values, our Constitution bears a profound imprint of the high ideals of our freedom struggle. In choosing democracy and by elaborating in detail the Fundamental Rights, the framers of our Constitution deeply embedded in our national ethos, the importance of the dignity of every individual.

A natural extension of this basic approach was the inclusion of universal adult franchise in our Constitution, that gave from the very beginning, the right to vote to every citizen of India - man or woman, rich or poor, no matter to which caste or creed or religion he or she belonged - they were all brought together on one platform.

The age-old inequalities were done away with and political equality was established throughout the length and breadth of the country. This was an enlightened vision, particularly if we recall that in many countries different groups, especially women, had to struggle to get their voting rights.

Our Constitution also set up independent and neutral institutions to ensure the continued existence of a democratic framework in the country. The Election Commission of India is one such very important constitutional body created under Article 324 of our Constitution. It has been entrusted with a range of responsibilities for the conduct of elections in the country. Members of the State Legislative Assemblies, Members of Parliament, the Vice-President and I myself, have come through an election process which has been conducted by the Commission. It is important that the independence of the Election Commission is upheld at all times.

Elections are the foundation stone of any democracy. The conduct of free, fair and impartial elections depends much upon the performance of the three stakeholders. They are - an independent and impartial electoral machinery; political parties and candidates; and the electorate. All of them must act responsibly. The Indian election process has the Model Code of Conduct, that lays down the norms of behaviour and actions which, parties and contesting candidates shall adhere to, at the time of elections. As it should, the Commission has been making every effort to create a level playing field between various candidates and has earned the reputation of strictly and impartially monitoring activities of candidates in constituencies through its Election Observers.

The Commission has always been willing to use technology for modernization and for the better conduct of elections. In this context, over the years, several measures have been taken such as - computerization of electoral rolls and Photo Identity Cards for voters.

Elections are not a ritual, but a pathway on which the people move with enthusiasm, expressing their aspirations, hopes and desire, as they take forward this great nation to peace and prosperity. With the size of our electorate increasing from 176 million in the first General Elections in the country in 1951-52, to 716 million in the 15th General Elections held last year, the task of the Election Commission has increased manifold.

Today, our electorate is almost equal to the combined population of the European Union and of the United States. To organize elections for such a large voting population and in such a vast and difficult geographical area, requires exceptional management and co-ordination. The General Elections conducted in May last year meant the setting up of 8 lakh polling booths and the involvement of close to 5 million polling staff. So meticulous were the arrangements, that a polling booth was set-up even where there was only one voter. Another polling booth was established at a height of 15,300 feet.

The election process, in a country of more than one billion people, was followed, the world over, with great interest and admiration. Thus, not only, has the Election Commission helped strengthen democracy at home, but also helped to enhance the prestige of India's institutional mechanisms. It is for these reasons that the Election Commission of India has been called upon often, to share its experiences about the conduct of elections with other countries.

India has impressive democratic credentials, but yet has the challenge of becoming a "role model" for other countries. This requires that we should be aware of the impediments, the lacunae and malpractices in the electoral process. These would have to be removed with determination, to make our democracy cleaner, healthier and stronger.

As we carry on with our work, we should not forget that we swear by the Constitution, and therefore, we must adhere to its values, spirit and principles. Democracy adorns our Constitution. We have to see that the power of voting vested in the people makes them powerful enough to change their own destiny through democracy and therefore, the importance of making democracy fully participatory. There have been constant attempts and I am confident that these will continue to be made, to increasingly involve people in governance.

Through the Panchayati Raj Institutions and Local Urban Bodies, we have sought to deepen the reach of democracy. Their role and responsibility for executing programmes and schemes, particularly social and welfare schemes must increase. I am glad that the Election Commission has chosen the theme, "Greater participation for a stronger democracy", for its Diamond Jubilee Year. I hope that discussions under the rubric of this theme would be fruitful.

I am confident that the electoral process and democracy in India will continue to be strong and vibrant.

Thank you.

Jai Hind.

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