Saturday 9 January 2010


Dear friends,

Merry Christmas!

I am glad to be here. Thank the Almighty God for giving me the wonderful opportunity to celebrate this year’s Christmas with you all. I extend my good wishes to one and all on this joyous occasion.

It feels good to share a few words about this splendid festival, which not only marks the celebration of Lord Jesus Christ’s birth but is also the celebration of life. Christmas embodies the celebration of peace, love and hope and a time to rejoice with your family and friends.

Celebrations like these are the visible parts of a custom, tradition or ritual, which gives people a chance to come together and share some happy moments with each other. Behind every custom or tradition is a hidden value, which we need to decipher. It's our understanding of those values behind the celebration which gives a deeper meaning to the whole occasion. Let's retain those values and enjoy the gift of life.

What does Christmas teach us?

Christmas gives us the message of sharing love with your near and dear ones. While you share Christmas gifts with your loved ones, they make the bond of human relationship grow more fortified, thereby leaving an everlasting feeling of happiness. The festival also teaches us about humility. Imagine the Son of God was born in a stable and had only a manger for a cradle. Such a humble beginning to an incredible life!

Christmas also celebrates a new life, and gives us the opportunity to reflect on peace and forgiveness. It gives us the message that we should uphold faith and hope at all times. It gives us hope for a better tomorrow that makes us more human and gives us a living instinct. Jesus gave up his last breath invoking forgiveness for his very tormentors. We should follow his footsteps. Let’s learn to forgive those who have wronged against us and lead an exemplary life like Jesus.

Let us on this day try to forget our worries and let’s endeavour to alleviate the anxieties of our loved ones and friends. Life is a beautiful gift of God and let us share it all our fellow human beings.

As we are also about to step into the New Year, let’s make a resolution of having greater dreams, better hopes and stronger faith in ourselves. Tomorrow would be definitely better. With this hope, let us live our today.

Let the Almighty shower his kindness on all of us. We should thank him for the beautiful gift that he has given us...of life. Let's enjoy the spirit of the season and may the spirit of Christmas be with you all throughout the New Year.

God bless you all with loads of love and happiness in your personal and professional lives.

Wish you and your family a bright and prosperous New Year as well.

Thank You!

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